Real Estate Tax Exemptions
The following is a summary of the various real estate exemption programs and the basic qualification requirements.
Clause | Description | Amount of Abatement |
17D | 70 years or older, or surviving spouse, and occupied domicile for 5 years with moderate financial means. | $175 |
41C | 65 years or older as of July 1, and occupied domicile for 5 years with limited financial means. | $1,000 |
22 | Veterans with war connected disability | $400 |
22E | Veterans 100% disabled | $1,000 |
37 | A blind person | $500.00 |
18 | Person unable to pay taxes due to age, infirmity and poverty | variable |
The above provides very basic qualification requirements. For more detailed information and to obtain the necessary applications, please contact the Board of Assessors.
Appears in: Board of Assessors FAQs