Founded: 1774
Area: 22.7 square miles
Miles of roadway: 31
Population: 1876
Tax rate per $1000: $19.88 (FY15)
Tax bills due: November 1 and May 1
Total town budget (including schools): $5.5 mil (FY15)
Elections and Annual Town Meeting held 9a.m. the last Saturday in April at the Leverett Elementary School, 85 Montague Road; special Town Meetings as needed: three member Select Board which meet 7:00p.m. second and fourth Tuesday at the Town Hall, 9 Montague Road; Town Administrator with office hours at the Town Hall, 9 Montague Road.
Leverett Elementary School, 85 Montague Road; preschool through sixth grade; Elementary School Superintendent, Erving School Union #28, Erving; Amherst-Pelham Regional School, Amherst; seventh through twelfth grade.
school website:
Leverett Public Library,
75 Montague Road
3:00p.m. until 8:00p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays
10:00a.m. until 3:00p.m. on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturdays
(no Saturdays in the months of June, July, and August )
library website:
Transfer Station:
5 Cemetery Road;
10:00a.m. thru 1:00p.m. Saturdays and Sundays all year
4:00p.m. thru 7:00p.m. Wednesdays between Memorial Day and Labor Day.
See Transfer Station page for more information on hours
transfer station webpage: /p/53/Transfer-Station
LeverettNet is a fiber-optic-to-the-home (FTTH) network providing high-speed Internet and telephone service throughout the Town of Leverett.
LeverettNet website:
Congregational Church, Moore’s Corner Baptist Church, North Leverett Baptist Church, The Quaker Friends Meetinghouse, Japanese Buddhist Temple, Cambodian Buddhist Temple, and the Guru and Ashram Community.
State Legislators
State Senator: Jo Comerford
State Representative: Natalie Blais
U.S. Representative: Jim McGovern
U.S. Senator: Elizabeth Warren
U.S. Senator: Ed Markey
County Websites
Franklin Regional Council of Governments
Franklin County Cooperative Inspection Program
Franklin County Solid Waste Management District
State Websites
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Registry of Motor Vehicles
Citizen Information Service
Workers Compensation System