Town of Leverett
9 Montague Road
Leverett, MA 01054 Town Clerk: (413) 548-9150 Tax Collector: (413) 548-9666 Assessor: (413) 548-4945 Town Hall Fax: (413) 548-1035 Contact Us
"Smoke Detectors Save Lives" so check them monthly and change the batteries at least twice a year. Carbon monoxide detectors, should be checked in the same manner.
Check your home for any hazards such as combustibles stored too close to a source of heat, frayed cords, or chemicals stored improperly.
Create an escape plan. Have a second way out of your home in case the usual way is inaccessible. Also, plan a meeting place for all occupants so you can ensure everyone is out of the home.
Finally, emergency vehicles can’t reach your house if your driveway is impassable because of snow or ice. Please keep your driveway clear to minimize response time to your emergency.