Visioning Process proposal for the Field Building
Proposal for a visioning process for the Field Building
Proposal for a Visioning Process for Bradford Field Building - received 6/2/22
Proposal: That the Select Board appoint one or more impartial facilitators to set up a multi-stage, short-term process for listening to and gathering points of view and ideas for the future of the old Field library building.
Stage 1: Gathering of Information/Visioning Process
- Consult with the Historical Commission as to the history of the building and its previous uses;
- Create a process for gathering various ideas already on the table as well as brainstorming alternative proposals, which process might include:
- A public forum;
- Request for ideas from the public on LeverettConnects;
- Consultation with relevant town commissions, including but not limited to the Historical Commission, Planning Board, Finance Committee, Community Preservation Committee, Conservation Commission, and Master Planning;
- A survey of points of view on the various options suggested.
Stage 2: Report by the facilitator
The facilitator group would report to the Selectboard on the range of ideas and opinions from the Visioning Process.
Stage 3: Selectboard action
The Select Board would then determine which of those ideas for use of the building are potentially feasible, are beneficial to the Town, and enjoy significant support.
- Based on the outcome of the Visioning Process, the Select Board designs the parameters for the Town Meeting-approved CPC building conditions assessment of the Field building and hires a consultant, with specifications informed by the use preferences revealed in the Visioning Process.
It may be that more that there is more than one potential use that is deemed feasible and that enjoys significant support, in which case the needs assessment would address these multiple potential uses.
Stage 4: Review and publication of the consultant’s Building Conditions Assessment Report
The Building Conditions Report Assessment will be reviewed by the Selectboard and will be made available to the public.
Stage 5: Determining Next Steps
- Revisiting Article 22 at Town Meeting: Vote on tabled proposal to give the Select Board the authority to sell the Field Building
- If the Town passes Article 22, the Select Board will have the authority to sell the Field building;
- If the Town does not pass Article 22, other town meeting articles may be generated based on the results of the Town Visioning Process.