Select Board/Finance Committee
Town Hall/remote
A meeting of the Selectboard
The Selectboard is meeting in person and making this meeting available via Zoom for the convenience of the public. Since we are meeting in person, we will not be responsible for any technical difficulties, so if you would like to be sure of participating, please attend in person.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 944 6027 6391; Passcode: 650146
Meeting Agenda:
Protocols for Public Address to the Board: During meetings, the Selectboard will attempt to find a balance between hearing from members of the community and conducting required business. All public address is at the discretion of the Chair.
When speaking, please identify yourself by name or the company/institution you represent. Please make your comments are concise (less than 2 minutes); avoid repeat statements made by others; address your comments to the Board Chair.
Audience members may not interrupt a recognized speaker nor the discussion of the Board. Please be cordial and respectful of others.
The Selectboard will generally listen to comments rather than respond immediately. If a topic comes up that is not on the agenda yet further action is required by the Board, the Chair will add the matter, as appropriate, to a forthcoming agenda. Depending on the comment, the Board may, if they are able within the confines of the Open Meeting Law, respond with information as opposed to needing to deliberate on the matter.
This meeting agenda is being posted in compliance with Massachusetts’ Open Meeting Law. The agenda may change to reflect unforeseen business.
Meeting of Selectboard
- Patricia Duffy (Elected). 2025. Leverett, MA 01054
- Tom Hankinson (Elected), Chair. 2026. Leverett, MA 01054
- Jed Proujansky (Elected). 2027. Leverett, MA 01054
Final Agenda
Meeting Preliminaries
Open Meeting / Take Attendance
Approve Minutes: Tue, Sep 24 - Select Board/Planning Board/School Committee
7-7:15 Public comment
Appointments (open to the public after initial conversation)
7:15: School Committee Budget Hearing
Business (public participation is at the discretion of the chair)
Town Forest Committee, vote to send to Town Meeting?
With FinCom: - set COLA, Highway winter accts. deficit, Personnel Bd. recommendations: library wage and hours change, police step, set budget hearing date
Field Building final report
Shutesbury Rd. culvert grant: opportunity and support letter
Single payer health care
Request from resident to buy town-owned land parcel
Sign Assessor's contract extension
Approve minutes of January 28
Sign grant extension for Tech and Civic Life Grant
Mail (Mail is not read or discussed during meetings. Copies are available by request.)
FERC letter
Meeting Wrap-up
- Next Meetings:
- Tue, Feb 25, at 7:00 PM "Select Board/Finance Committee" -- Town Hall/remote
- Tue, Mar 11, at 7:00 PM "Select Board/Finance Committee" -- Town Hall/remote
- Tue, Mar 25, at 7:00 PM "Select Board/Finance Committee" -- Town Hall/remote
- Next Meetings: