Personnel Board Meeting

Tuesday, December 17, 2024, 5:00 pm until 6:00 pm
town hall and remote
A meeting of the Personnel Board

Leverett Personnel Committee Meeting

Tuesday, December 17th, 2024 at 5:00 pm

Leverett Town Hall and Remote

9 Montague Road

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 871 2466 6433

Passcode: 551675

One tap mobile

+13052241968,,87124666433# US

+13092053325,,87124666433# US


No Appointments planned


  1. Plan approach/questions/information wanted to address the following personnel increase requests expected for FY 25:
    1. Departmental Assistant for wage increase
    2. Fire Chief for new full-time employee
    3. Police Chief for step raises for two staff
    4. Treasurer for new part time Assistant Treasurer
    5. Council on Aging for new part time position
      1. Possibly: Board of Health for increased Health Agent wages and Selectboard for new part time Technology Assistant for meetings
  2. Review new job descriptions – Library and OSHA approved wording regarding clothing
  3. Update on policy revision project and decide how want to approach addressing these changes
  4. Review minutes to last meeting

This meeting agenda is being posted in compliance with Massachusetts’ Open Meeting Law. The agenda may change to reflect unforeseen business.