Community Preservation Commission -- CANCELLED

Wednesday, October 2, 7:00 pm until 8:00 pm
Town Hall
A meeting of the Community Preservation

Community Preservation Committee Notice of Meeting and Agenda

Wednesday, October 2, 2024, 7:00 pm, at Town Hall


  1. Review and approve minutes of previous meeting.

  1. Preliminary discussion of applications received.

  1. Discussion of warrant article for Fall Town Meeting to correct omission from 2023 warrant article. (Draft article attached below):

Article …………: To see if the Town will vote to appropriate $8,508 from the Community Preservation Fund Balance reserved for Open Space/Recreation, and $_____________ from the Community Preservation Fund Budgeted Reserve to provide funds to the Friends of the North Leverett Sawmill (“FONLS”) to pay for Grave’s ironworks research, trail and bridge work done on 2.0 acres of land owned by the Town of Leverett and contiguous to Heritage Park trails on 2.6 acres of FONLS land adjacent to the N. Leverett Sawmill, or to take any action relative thereto.

  1. New business.