Select Board
Town Hall/remote
A meeting of the Selectboard
The Selectboard is meeting in person and making this meeting available via Zoom for the convenience of the public. Since we are meeting in person, we will not be responsible for any technical difficulties, so if you would like to be sure of participating, please attend in person.
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Meeting ID: 944 6027 6391; Passcode: 650146
Meeting Agenda:
Protocols for Public Address to the Board: During meetings, the Selectboard will attempt to find a balance between hearing from members of the community and conducting required business. All public address is at the discretion of the Chair.
When speaking, please identify yourself by name or the company/institution you represent. Please make your comments are concise (less than 2 minutes); avoid repeat statements made by others; address your comments to the Board Chair.
Audience members may not interrupt a recognized speaker nor the discussion of the Board. Please be cordial and respectful of others.
The Selectboard will generally listen to comments rather than respond immediately. If a topic comes up that is not on the agenda yet further action is required by the Board, the Chair will add the matter, as appropriate, to a forthcoming agenda. Depending on the comment, the Board may, if they are able within the confines of the Open Meeting Law, respond with information as opposed to needing to deliberate on the matter.
This meeting agenda is being posted in compliance with Massachusetts’ Open Meeting Law. The agenda may change to reflect unforeseen business.
Meeting of Selectboard
Members: (Quorum)
- Present: Tom Hankinson, Chair, at 7:00 PM
- Present: Jed Proujansky, at 7:00 PM
- Present: Patricia Duffy, at 7:00 PM
Also Present:
- Present: Tom H.
- Pat D.
- and Jed P. for the Select Board. Also present Margie M.
- Lisa S.
- Richard N.
* * * DRAFT Meeting Minutes * * *
Meeting opened: 7:00 PM
Meeting closed: 8:35 PM
Meeting Preliminaries
Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).
Minutes Approved: Tue, Jun 4 - Select Board
7-7:15 Public comment
Appointments (open to the public after initial conversation)
7:15: School Com. School update
General Discussion...
The elementary school has undergone some significant staffing changes and general unrest lately. Jya came in to give the board an update. The principal and superintendent are both on leave and not returning. A new superintendent has been hired. Jim Trill former, Erving Principal, has been filing in as interim principal and will remain for a few more weeks. A search for a new principal has begun. It was suggested that public input on the new principal hire would be a good idea. Several school staff stepped in to fill the gaps when needed.
During the last half of the year an additional 6th grade teacher was hired to help with a large class size and other issues. This, with the needing to hire an interim principal and pay various contractors, has set the school back $65,000. The school committee will use school choice funds to cover the overage.MOTION, moved by Patricia Duffy, seconded by Tom Hankinson: Motion: To acknowledge work well done and above and beyond and to thank school staff members who voluntarily stepped up to make for a smooth transition. Vote: 3-0 in favor. Margie will draft a thank you letter.
Pass: Aye: Patricia Duffy, Tom Hankinson, Jed Proujansky.
7:45: Dog bylaw committee, charge change?
General Discussion...
The dog-bylaw review committee asked if their charge could be expanded to include the town noise bylaw. The problem they are running up against is that dog noise and general noise overlap and for consistency of the bylaws they think they should be reviewed together.MOTION, moved by Patricia Duffy, seconded by Tom Hankinson: Motion: To modify the review of the dog bylaws to include a review of the noise bylaw. Vote: 3-0 in favor.
Pass: Aye: Patricia Duffy, Tom Hankinson, Jed Proujansky.
Business (public participation is at the discretion of the chair)
Appoint new full-time police officer
General Discussion...
Two in-house interviews took place with Sargeant Gould and Chief Cook before a final interview with Chief Minckler. Chief Minckler recommends Nicholas Feld for the position; he has completed the full-time academy.MOTION, moved by Patricia Duffy, seconded by Tom Hankinson: . Motion: To hire Nicholas Feld as a step 1 patrol officer ($26.63 which includes Wendell wages) as of July 1. Vote: 3-0 in favor.
Pass: Aye: Patricia Duffy, Tom Hankinson, Jed Proujansky.
Appointment slips and reappointments
General Discussion...
Appointment slips were signed and board and committee appointments made. -
Approve minutes of May 21 and June 4
General Discussion...
The (amended) minutes of May 21 and minutes of June 4 were approved. -
Appt. Virginia Goodale to Police Advisory Committee
MOTION, moved by Patricia Duffy, seconded by Tom Hankinson: Motion: to appoint Virginia Goodale to the Police Advisory Committee: Vote: 3-0 in favor.
Pass: Aye: Patricia Duffy, Tom Hankinson, Jed Proujansky.
Award gas/diesel bids
MOTION, moved by Patricia Duffy, seconded by Tom Hankinson: Motion: To accept the bid for diesel from Kieras and gas from O’Connell as low bidders. Vote: 3-0 in favor.
Pass: Aye: Patricia Duffy, Tom Hankinson, Jed Proujansky.
Digital Equity Survey
General Discussion...
The Digital Equity Survey has been distributed. -
Fire Dept. Reserve Fund Transfer
MOTION, moved by Patricia Duffy, seconded by Tom Hankinson: Motion: To approve a Reserve Fund Transfer for the Fire Department for $8000. Vote: 3-0 in favor.
Pass: Aye: Patricia Duffy, Tom Hankinson, Jed Proujansky.
Letter of support for Wendell battery storage bylaw
General Discussion...
Jed presented a letter of support of Wendell’s battery storage bylaw. A company is trying to build a 10-acre battery storage facility in Wendell with storage for 100 batteries. This poses a safety hazard and could directly impact Leverett Police and Fire. The board will read the letter and discuss any changes to it at the next meeting. -
Paint recycling law support?
General Discussion...
The board signed a letter of support for a recycling paint law proposed by the Franklin Regional Solid Waste Management District. -
Sign purchase cards contract
General Discussion...
Margie up dated the board that in order to qualify for a purchase card the town needs to have an annual audit. Our is biannual. More research. -
Tax complaint letter
General Discussion...
The tax complaint letter was briefly discussed. The board reviewed the draft letter and response with no changes. Margie will respond to complainant.
Mail (mail is not read or discussed during meetings. Copies are available by request.
- FRCOG letter: returned $; Tighe and Bond release letter
Meeting Wrap-up
- Next Meetings:
- Tue, Jul 2, at 5:30 PM "Select Board" -- Town Hall/remote
- Tue, Jul 16, at 7:00 PM "Select Board" -- Town Hall/remote
- Tue, Jul 30, at 7:00 PM "Select Board" -- Town Hall/remote
- Tue, Aug 13, at 7:00 PM "Select Board" -- Town Hall/remote
- Tue, Aug 27, at 7:00 PM "Select Board" -- Town Hall/remote
- Wed, Sep 4, at 3:00 PM "Ad Hoc Dog and Noise Bylaw Review Committee" -- Town Hall/remote
- Meeting Closed at 8:35 PM.
- Next Meetings:
Minutes prepared by Lisa Stratford