Select Board
Town Hall/remote
A meeting of the Selectboard
The Selectboard is meeting in person and making this meeting available via Zoom for the convenience of the public. Since we are meeting in person, we will not be responsible for any technical difficulties, so if you would like to be sure of participating, please attend in person.
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Meeting ID: 944 6027 6391; Passcode: 650146
Meeting Agenda:
Protocols for Public Address to the Board: During meetings, the Selectboard will attempt to find a balance between hearing from members of the community and conducting required business. All public address is at the discretion of the Chair.
When speaking, please identify yourself by name or the company/institution you represent. Please make your comments are concise (less than 2 minutes); avoid repeat statements made by others; address your comments to the Board Chair.
Audience members may not interrupt a recognized speaker nor the discussion of the Board. Please be cordial and respectful of others.
The Selectboard will generally listen to comments rather than respond immediately. If a topic comes up that is not on the agenda yet further action is required by the Board, the Chair will add the matter, as appropriate, to a forthcoming agenda. Depending on the comment, the Board may, if they are able within the confines of the Open Meeting Law, respond with information as opposed to needing to deliberate on the matter.
This meeting agenda is being posted in compliance with Massachusetts’ Open Meeting Law. The agenda may change to reflect unforeseen business.
Meeting of Selectboard
Members: (Quorum)
- Present: Tom Hankinson, Chair, at 7:00 PM
- Present: Jed Proujansky, at 7:00 PM
- Present: Patricia Duffy, at 7:00 PM
Also Present:
- Tom H. and Pat D. from the Selectboard. Also attending were Margie M.
- Ben Eddy
- Silas Ball
- George Brace
- Phil Carter
- Carol Heim
- and Eva Gibavic. No one attended remotely.
Approved Meeting Minutes
Meeting opened: 7:00 PM
Meeting closed: 8:35 PM
Meeting Preliminaries
Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).
Minutes Approved: Tue, May 7 - Select Board
Minutes Approved: Tue, May 21 - Select Board
Appointments (open to the public after initial conversation)
7-7:15: Public comment
General Discussion...
Tom issued a warm welcome to anyone who wanted to speak during the public comment period with no takers. The Board moved on to business. -
7:15: Maureen Ippolito: Parade details
General Discussion...
The Board met with Maureen Ippolito who gave them an update on the parade. Maureen also requested permission to use the Town Hall bathrooms on parade day, which was granted. The Committee has planned the parade well, with shuttles and parking planned. Montague Road will be closed for the parade and one-lane for the rest of the day. The Board signed the one day beer license for July 6. -
7:30: Field Building Ad Hoc Committee
General Discussion...
The Board met with Richard, Don Robinson, Silas, and Maureen Ippolito. The Field Building passed a perc test, although no one has received the report to date. The perc test allows further development of the boiling on the site. Tom asked if the Committee’s work is complete and received the response that the Committee would like to complete the building conditions report with the $19,000 remaining in their CPA account. Next would be public meetings to see if the public supports investing in the building and if there is a use for the building and if yes, there could be a fall CPC application for funds to restore it. They agreed to do the assessment in the next 30 days and to come back to the selectboard to discuss it. -
8:00: Track at the regional high school
General Discussion...
The Board met with Tilman Wolf of the School Committee who showed slides of the three options being considered for the school’s track and inside-the-track field. The 1st option is estimated to cost $1.8 million and will leave the track in its current east-west location and will redo the surface of the field but not dig the field completely up to rebuild the underlying drainage. The 2nd option, at $3.3 million, also leaves the track where it is but excavates the field so that its drainage can be rebuilt. The 3rd option, coming in at $4.2 million, will move the track and field to a north-south orientation, make them larger according to modern standards, and builds them from scratch. None of the options consider an artificial turf. The School Committee has the funds to complete Option 1 and has several other sources of funds with different conditions on them. If those conditions can be removed, then they have $3.4 million available. Tilman explained that they don’t want to wait because they feel the students have not had an operable track for years and that waiting will just increase construction costs. They want to have the project complete by Fall 2025. Leverett has already voted $126,750. Timing does not work for CPA funds to be added unless the CPC is willing to consider an expedited schedule.
Business (public participation is at the discretion of the chair)
Approve May 21 minutes
General Discussion...
May 21 minutes were not approved because a correction was made. -
Margie: update on grants
General Discussion...
Margie asked the Board to sign support letters for the two One Stop grants she is working on, one for Dudleyville Road drainage repairs and one for a Town Center revisioning. The Board signed the letters. The Fire Department also has received approx. $10,000 in a joint SAFE grant with Shutesbury and Tom signed the contracts for that and another Fire Department grant extension. The final close out invoice for the current Dudleyville Study grant was signed by Tom. -
Margie: update on grants
Painting from Barbara Alfange
General Discussion...
Barbara Alfange has lived in the Town Center for many years and is moving to an elder community so she offered the Town a painting she commissioned of a historic photograph of the Town Center Area. The painting was painted by William Rathbun and is gorgeous.MOTION, moved by Patricia Duffy, seconded by Tom Hankinson: . Motion made to accept the painting and to send Barbara a thank you. Voted :2-0 in favor. .
Pass: Aye: Patricia Duffy, Tom Hankinson, Jed Proujansky.
Sign Chapter 90 documents
General Discussion...
Tom signed Chapter 90 contracting documents. -
Sign one-day alcohol permit for 250th
Mail (mail is not read or discussed during meetings. Copies are available by request.
No mail
General Discussion...
Meeting Wrap-up
- Next Meetings:
- Tue, Jun 18, at 7:00 PM "Select Board" -- Town Hall/remote
- Tue, Jul 2, at 5:30 PM "Select Board" -- Town Hall/remote
- Tue, Jul 16, at 7:00 PM "Select Board" -- Town Hall/remote
- Tue, Jul 30, at 7:00 PM "Select Board" -- Town Hall/remote
- Tue, Aug 13, at 7:00 PM "Select Board" -- Town Hall/remote
- Tue, Aug 27, at 7:00 PM "Select Board" -- Town Hall/remote
- Meeting Closed at 8:35 PM.
- Next Meetings:
Minutes approved on Monday, Jul 8, 2024