Select Board/Finance Committee

Tuesday, March 12, 7:00 pm until 9:00 pm
Town Hall/remote
A meeting of the Selectboard

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Meeting ID: 944 6027 6391

Passcode: 650146

Meeting of Selectboard

Members: (Quorum)

  • Present: Tom Hankinson, Chair, at 7:00 PM
  • Present: Patricia Duffy, at 7:00 PM
  • Present: Melissa Colbert, at 7:00 PM

Also Present:

  • Tom H.
  • Melissa C.
  • and Pat D. in person. Margie M. in person. Several members of the public joined in person and remotely.

See original Agenda Final Minutes

Meeting opened: 7:00 PM

Meeting closed: 10:05 PM

  1. Meeting Preliminaries

    • Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).

    • No minutes to approve.

  2. Appointments

    • 7:00 : Ashram: ceasefire petition

      General Discussion...
      Gurujima from the Ashram attended with three others to request that a ceasefire petition for Gaza be put on the annual town meeting warrant. They presented a petition with signatures so the petition will appear on the warrant as long as the signatures can be certified.

    • 7:15: Finance Committee/Capital Planning Budget Discussion

      General Discussion...
      Finance Committee opened their meeting at 7:14 pm. Members present: Phil Carter, Bethany Seeger, Isaiah Robison, Jed Proujansky and Nancy Grossman.
      School Committee members attended with the Union 28 Superintendent and Business Manager. The school presented a revised budget as requested with a reduced request from the town. They went over the reduced lines in their budget and they increased their use of School Choice funds to make up the difference.
      Phil stated that the deficit that is accumulating in the school lunch revolving account due to the health insurance of the school lunch employees cannot be covered by the Reserve Fund because it is not unexpected and should be covered by school choice funds or the FY 24 school budget. He expressed that the school should be responsible for the expense of their employees. That deficit is at least $76,000. Bethany from Fin Com and Jess Rocheleau of the School Committee agreed to meet and propose a solution for closing out this deficit. In the FY 25 budget the cost of health insurance for these school employees has been moved into the school health insurance line of the budget.
      The group went over the list of budget request over 2.5%.

      MOTION, moved by Melissa Colbert, seconded by Patricia Duffy: Motion made for the Finance Committee to recommend the budget with all requests. Fin Com vote 4 in favor and 1 abstention. Motion made for the Selectboard to support the budget with the requests. SB vote 3-0 in favor.

      Pass: Aye: Melissa Colbert, Patricia Duffy, Tom Hankinson.

  3. Business

    • Approve minutes: Jan. 30; Feb. 27

      MOTION, moved by Melissa Colbert, seconded by Patricia Duffy: Motion made to accept the minutes from January 30 and Feb 27 as drafted and reviewed. Voted 3-0 in favor.

      Pass: Aye: Melissa Colbert, Patricia Duffy, Tom Hankinson.

    • Field Building

      General Discussion...
      Tom gave an update on last week’s CPC hearing, where the Selectboard’s application for funds to paint the building was not supported. The CPC also asked Tom to defend the application for additional study funds for the building, which he had not seen and also was not supported by the CPC. He feels that the Ad Hoc Committee for this building was created in 2022 and has not addressed the issues raised in the charge and that it may be time to sell it. Pat reported that the Committee is trying to get the information needed to have public forums. Melissa suggested that they need to give the Committee clear goals and a timeline.
      Richard Nathhorst, Chair of the Committee, was present and asked the Selectboard to expand the charge. He completed the CPA application for additional funds. Maureen Ippiloto, who is on the Committee, stated that they have not held public forums because they don’t have enough information to answer questions about the costs of options. Carol Heim read a statement from Ann Ferguson requesting warrant articles for additional Committee expenses and stated that much more information is needed. Everyone agrees a perc test is needed. Matt (Highway Supt) offered to do the digging needed for a perc test so that it can be completed cheaply and quickly.
      The group agreed to have the Committee attend an upcoming Selectboard meeting to establish clear goals and deadlines.

    • Millers Road Bridge

      General Discussion...
      No action was needed for the Millers Road Bridge.

    • Sign Special Town Meeting Warrant

      General Discussion...
      No action was needed regarding a special town meeting.

    • Sign Special Town Meeting Warrant

  4. Meeting Wrap-up

The listing of matters is those reasonably anticipated by the Chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.

Minutes approved on Wednesday, May 22, 2024