Historical Commission Meeting

Monday, September 10, 2018, 7:00 pm until 8:30 pm
Town Hall
A meeting of the Historical Commission

Meeting of Historical Commission

Members: (Quorum)

  • Absent: Sara Robinson
  • Absent: Edie Field, Honorary
  • Present: Ann Tweedy, at 7:00 PM
  • Present: Susan Mareneck, Chair, at 7:00 PM
  • Present: Susan Lynton, at 7:00 PM
  • Present: Anne Schuyler, at 7:30 PM
  • Present: Eva Gibavic, at 7:00 PM

See original Agenda Final Minutes

Meeting opened: 7:15 PM

Meeting closed: 9:30 PM

  1. Meeting Preliminaries

  2. 1. Update - Digital Archives Project & Cemeteries

    • Cemeteries - Cemetery Preservation Campaign/ Research/ Conservation (brief update) - Update: Contact Betsy Friedberg at Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) regarding State and National Register designation for seven historic cemeteries submitted by UMASS grad students August 2017. - Update: CPC funded Tamara Conde’s to work on Mt. Hope; - Leverett Cemetery ownership question (Wiley et al.) - Leverett Cemetery Association signage update.

      General Discussion...
      We will ask Edie Field and Sara Robinson to set up a meeting with LHC and Leverett Cemetery Association (LCA) in order to sort out and coordinate our efforts in the historic cemeteries. It appears that seven are the responsibility of the LCA and of the other five, only Marvel, on Jackson Hill, is currently maintained privately. Gardner, Wiley, Patrick are neglected, Mt. Toby is being maintained by LCA. More clarity is needed as we begin HAS report roll-out; townspeople would like the cemeteries to be in good repair.

      How should we include the single gravestone on Rattlesnake Gutter as part of Leverett's historic cemeteries?

      New owners of driveway that crosses Wiley corner are anxious to know ownership of the cemetery/ section of their driveway so they can get an easement and a clear title.

    • Digital Archives Project - - Baptist Church archives (brief update).

      General Discussion...
      Edie not present; no update.

    • Individual Cemetery Issues - Individual Cemetery Issues & Questions: Wylie boundaries? Leverett Cemetery Association

      General Discussion...
      Eva is researching Wylie deeds; looking for "Fitts survey".

    • Veterans Recognition Project - Review Martha Lyon/Martha Lyon Landscape Architecture, LLC draft report.

      General Discussion...
      Martha Lyon's draft report in a shared folder on Google Docs. Please add your edits by 10/12/18. SM will put in SR's corrections.

      What is the standard size for road signs? New Identification sign for Plainview is beautiful, but seems small to read from the road.

      Who knows about the history of the Veteran's monument at LES?

  3. 2. History related/ Cultural Event possibilities – (SR, EF, SM)

    • Schooling in Leverett - "Education in Leverett- Village Schools to Consolidation" Oral History Project.

      General Discussion...
      One Room School House exhibit has moved to LES. It was enjoyed at Town Hall.

      Ann Tweedy reported on a possible grant from the MA Board of Library Commissioners to transcribe the One Room School House interviews . It would also include scanning of archival documents w/ the Library that could become searchable PDF's.. Would it be a possible publication for Leverett's 250th in 2024? It would require the Library to have done a longterm action plan.

  4. 3. Strategic Planning for Historical Assets Survey (AS, SL, SM)

    • ConComm OSP - Report on meeting August 8, 2018, 7:30pm, Town Hall; Section 4.

      General Discussion...
      LHC will devote October meeting to going over the historic designations for the Con Comm's new Open Space Plan.

    • Historical Assets Survey Questionnaire - HAS Questionnaire - - Draft Report - Strategies for reporting findings.

      General Discussion...
      Draft report in the works. Leverett Capital Planning has asked LHC re whether there might be specific preservation funding for repair of historic bridges. How could this sync with rolling out the Survey results? (Historic Bridges and "Ye Olde Fish Pond" (Leverett Pond) were not in the survey.)

      Similarly to Martha Lyon's SHRAB grant recommendations, guidelines for historic site signage are part of the HAS report. It is a big plan with great ideas that will need an Implementation Plan. How and to whom shall we present? Should it be available for all to look at? On Google Docs once Pleun has finished draft? We are the vehicle, but this is the town's plan.

  5. LHC

    • Commission communication - Ethics Test

      General Discussion...
      Most have completed.

    • CPA Monitoring - Reporting on visits

    • LHC Budget

      General Discussion...
      Prepare a report for presentation to the Select Board in October or November. Last year's expenditures were about six times (600%) the annual LHC budget.

    • Policies, New members?

  6. 5. LHS

    • Brief update of activities - - Brief update of activities - Meetings planned?

      General Discussion...
      No report.

  7. New Business

    • Demolition Delay Ordinance - Demolition Delay Review Application 257 Montague Road - Dickinson/Goding House

      General Discussion...
      Public Hearing on 257 Montague Road (house to be moved) Wednesday, October 10, 2018 at Town Hall, 7pm.

    • Fish Pond - Friends of Leverett Pond - Dam Repair, inclusion as one of Leverett's historical assets; barn contents; etc..

      General Discussion...
      Walk to the dam with FOLP in August. There is significant history there and exciting visions for the future

    • Historical Bridges - Historical Bridges and funding for repair?

      General Discussion...
      Ask Town Mgr. about meeting with Capital Planning consultant. (What is the mandate? goal of Capital Planning grant?)

    • MHC - MHC Archaeology

    • Town Pound - Town Pound disappearance from Assessor's Maps

      MOTION, moved by Eva Gibavic, seconded by Ann Tweedy: That the Town Pound be put back on the Assessor's maps. .

      Pass: Aye: Ann Tweedy, Susan Mareneck, Eva Gibavic, Anne Schuyler, Susan Lynton. Not Present: Edie Field, Sara Robinson.

      to Select Board, Town Accountant, Margie, Planning Board and Assessors.

    • Newsletter - October newsletter

  8. Meeting Wrap-up

The listing of matters is those reasonably anticipated by the Chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.

Minutes approved on Wednesday, Nov 14, 2018