Select Board

Tuesday, November 12, 2019, 7:00 pm until 9:00 pm
Town Hall, 9 Montague Rd
A meeting of the Selectboard

Meeting of Selectboard

Members: (Quorum)

  • Present: Peter d'Errico, Chair, at 7:00 PM
  • Present: Tom Hankinson, at 7:00 PM
  • Present: Julie Shively, at 7:00 PM

Also Present:

  • Margie M.
  • Lisa S.
  • Jerri H. for the Montague Reporter Greg W.

See original Agenda Final Minutes

Meeting opened: 7:00 PM

Meeting closed: 9:48 PM

  1. Meeting Preliminaries

  2. Appointments

    • 7:00: Tax Classification Hearing

      General Discussion...
      Tax Classification Hearing (Handout “Fiscal Year 2020 Tax Classification Hearing” doc., attached)
      Jeff Reynolds and his assistant Nohika C. reviewed the steps taken to come to this year’s tax rate. A revaluation was conducted last year which raised property values by 3%. Based on the fact that the town is 93.9% residential and 6.1% commercial, it was recommended that a single tax rate apply to the town as a whole. Greg W. asked questions about how vacant/unused property is defined and taxed.
      Scott reported that the new cruiser is in. During the month of November several officers don’t shave as a fund-raiser for veterans. The department has raised $750 so far.

      MOTION, moved by Tom Hankinson, seconded by Julie Shively: Motion: To vote in accordance with MGL Ch. 40, Sec. 56, as amended, the percentage of local tax levy which will be borne by each class of real and personal property, relative to setting the Fiscal Year 202 tax rates and set the Residential Factor at 1.0, with a corresponding CIP shift of 1.0, pending the approval of the Town’s annual tax recap by the Massachusetts Department of Revenue. Vote: 3-0 in favor. .

      Pass: Aye: Tom Hankinson, Julie Shively, Peter d'Errico.

    • 7:15: Shutesbury Rd. beaver issue

      General Discussion...
      Beaver Issue on Shutesbury Rd. (also present: Tatiana and Lazlo Tikos)
      The Tikos’s have been having issues with beavers flooding their property for 10 years. The Town Highway Dept., Bd. of Health, and ConCom have all done what they are allowed to do to help. The board explained that the town is restricted in what it can do for them due to state laws regarding beavers. Lazlo wanted the board to know that his well has been affected by the beavers and he had to pay $5,000 to have a professional clean the well and remove the beavers. He asked that the town reimburse him but the board stated that there really isn’t a way to. Greg W., who was at the meeting and has first-hand knowledge of the area, offered to take a look and give Lazlo the name and phone number of a trapper who may be able to help.

    • 7:30: Peter McAvoy, Atty for potential marijuana grower

      General Discussion...

    • 7:45: Chief Minckler: Appt. full-time officer and marijuana policy

      General Discussion...
      Scott Minckler came in to discuss the Medical Marijuana Policy for Police Officers. The board had received the policy earlier by email and had time to read it. Julie had concerns that the sections that pertained to police officers who are caregivers to family members who have been prescribed medical marijuana are scattered through the document. Julie would like the policy to be cleaned up so it is clearer. Scott will revise and email the new policy.

      MOTION, moved by Tom Hankinson, seconded by Julie Shively: Motion: To approve the medical marijuana policy with caregiver changes. Vote: 3-0 in favor.

      Pass: Aye: Tom Hankinson, Julie Shively, Peter d'Errico.

    • 8:00: Teawaddle Hill Rd. update

      General Discussion...
      Tom H. gave an update of the packer testing being performed in the Goodale well. The well itself had to be filled with water to perform the test since the recovery rate is so poor. It was found that there are two poor fissures providing water. The packer test failed at the lower fissure and was performed successfully at the higher one.
      Tom H. was wondering if fracking the well, while the pump is out, might at least for the time being, provide water volume into the home. The pros and cons of fracking were discussed. Tom will talk to the engineers and contractor more. If fracking can be done for under $10,000 and is recommended by the professionals, Tom will proceed. If it is going to cost more the board will meet again to decide.
      Steve asked when the results of the packer testing will be completed and available. The contract states that within 2 weeks of testing being completed. So, hopefully before Christmas.

  3. New business

    • Approve minutes of Oct. 29

      General Discussion...
      The minutes of October 29 were approved.

    • Appt. 2 temporary highway workers

      General Discussion...
      Three people filled out applications to be part-time snow plow operators for the town. If they have a CDL they will be paid $30/hour, without $25/hour.

      MOTION, moved by Tom Hankinson, seconded by Julie Shively: Motion: To appoint Tom Stratford, Tom Eddy, and John Kemensky to plow for the town. Vote: 3-0 in favor.

      Pass: Aye: Tom Hankinson, Julie Shively, Peter d'Errico.

    • Cyber Security Grant

      General Discussion...
      The town has been awarded a MASS IT Grant for cyber security training. There is a kick-off webinar to watch to get started.

      MOTION, moved by Tom Hankinson, seconded by Julie Shively: Motion: To agree to participate in the MASS IT cyber security Grant. Vote: 3-0 in favor.

      Pass: Aye: Tom Hankinson, Julie Shively, Peter d'Errico.

    • Expense report discussion

      General Discussion...
      To be discussed with Transfer Station Coordinator at a future meeting.

  4. Mail

    • ACT: Environmental Monitoring Report, 8.29.2019

    • DEP: Residential oil spill at 168 Shutesbbury Rd.

    • HRA: CDBG Activities through 9.30.2019

    • MIIA: Loss Survey, Leverett School

  5. Other business

    • - Matt Boucher, new Highway Supt., told Margie that the access on Broad Hill Rd. for fiber maintenance is miserable. He wondered if the town would consider the purchase of an ATV. The fire department has an ATV for emergency response in difficult places. Peter wondered if the MLP would consider renting the fire department’s ATV for routine maintenance.

    • Transfer Station

      General Discussion...
      Margie received an email from the town of Shutesbury inquiring about the use of the Leverett Transfer Station for bulky waste drop-off. This led to a discussion of Transfer Station finances. The board would like to meet with the Transfer Station Coordinator at their next meeting.

  6. Meeting Wrap-up

The listing of matters is those reasonably anticipated by the Chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.

Minutes approved on Friday, Dec 27, 2019