Select Board
Town Hall, 9 Montague Rd
A meeting of the Selectboard
Meeting of Selectboard
Members: (Quorum)
- Present: Peter d'Errico, Chair, at 7:00 PM
- Present: Tom Hankinson, at 7:00 PM
- Present: Julie Shively, at 7:00 PM
Also Present:
- Margie M.
- Lisa S.
- Jerri for the MR
- John I.
- Scott M.
Final Minutes
Meeting opened: 7:00 PM
Meeting closed: 8:40 PM
Meeting Preliminaries
Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).
Minutes Approved: Tue, Oct 1 - Select Board
7:00: Scott Minckler, Police Chief
General Discussion...
Scott received a letter from Jill Bancroft stating that she could not attend the full-time academy or work full-time shifts at this time.
Scott had two candidates that he wanted to appoint part time.MOTION, moved by Tom Hankinson, seconded by Julie Shively: Motion: To appoint Megan Gallow as a part time police officer when she completes the part-time academy and when she completes a satisfactory physical exam that is to be completed when she is close to academy completion. Vote: 3-0 in favor.
Pass: Aye: Tom Hankinson, Julie Shively, Peter d'Errico.
MOTION, moved by Tom Hankinson, seconded by Julie Shively: Motion: To appoint Nicholas Potts as a part-time police officer once we get a copy of his physical from the Town of Agawam. Vote: 3-0 in favor.
Pass: Aye: Tom Hankinson, Julie Shively, Peter d'Errico.
MOTION, moved by Tom Hankinson, seconded by Julie Shively: Motion: To accept the CJIS policy. Vote: 3-0 in favor.
Pass: Aye: Tom Hankinson, Julie Shively, Peter d'Errico.
7:10: Finance Committee, budget guidelines for FY '21 and set date for ATM
General Discussion...
(also present: Ann D., Greg W., Steve N., Phil C., and Jed P., members of the Fin Com)
The Finance Committee met with the board to touch base in advance of budget season to discuss the financial situation of the Town in advance of drafting budget guidance for town departments. Phil Carter sent the following statement to everyone before the meeting: Our operating budget for FY20 was $6,153,972. We also had $66,219 of spending in raise-and-appropriate special articles. That makes a total of $6,220,191 in spending in FY20. If we want to limit the spending increase to 2% for FY21, that would mean that we can increase spending by $124,404. At the 4-town meeting last spring, Sean Mangano predicted that Leverett's regional school assessment for FY21 would increase by $48,616 under the assessment formula that everyone agreed to. He also predicted that Leverett's share of regional school debt service would increase by $33,145 in FY21 due to the replacement of the middle school roof. So that's a total increase of $82,474 in Leverett's spending on the regional school for FY21. Subtracting that from $124,404 leaves $41,930 for increases on everything else. Leverett's spending on everything except the regional school was $4,717,172 in FY20. And $41,930 is about 0.9% of $4,717,172. So limiting budget increases (including salaries) to 0.9% would still result in a 2% increase in the tax rate. We actually decided a couple of years ago that we should limit spending increases to 1.5% per year to delay a long as possible hitting the $25 cap on the tax rate, but that seems out of the question this year.
This statement was used as the jumping off point for the rest of the discussion. In addition to the regional assessment being up, other budget issues to keep in mind: teacher contracts (at 2.25%); the Kitteridge abatement; the Boss lawsuit; Dudleyville Rd; the Teawaddle Hill water issue; Highway Dept. increases; and the Transfer Station is struggling. Based on the above information a 1% budget increase will be the recommendation for all departments. -
7:30: Teawaddle Water Update
General Discussion...
(also present: Patt D., Virginia G., Macaylla S., Sue P., Steve N.)
Tom gave a tentative timeline of work to be completed at the Goodale well beginning Nov. 6 with the delivery of a water tank. Water testing and packer testing will be completed by Nov. 12. All were satisfied and ready to begin work. Virginia wanted reassurance that if something happens to the well while it is being tested she will not be responsible. Peter and Tom reassured her that between Wilcox and Barton and the Town’s insurance, she will not.
New Business
1 Dudleyville Rd.
General Discussion...
John Ingram reported that he and Dave Roberts from FCCIP went to 1 Dudleyville Rd. John is still waiting for a report from Dave but he thinks the building will be determined to be “abandoned.” If so, we will find out more about what that means from FCCIP. Peter asked Margie to ask Donna M. for a checklist of next steps for abandoned property and the roles of police; fire; Board of Health; Assessors; Building Inspector? Peter has received a complaint about another property on N. Leverett Rd. Tom wants to find out how many such properties there are in town. -
Approve minutes of Oct. 1
General Discussion...
The minutes of October 1 were approved. -
December meeting dates
General Discussion...
The board decided to meet only once in December on the 17th, unless otherwise necessary. -
Decide Community Compact topics
General Discussion...
The board decided to go with Nar Can and Regional Police for the Community Compact Grant request. -
Designate Margie to sign LA-5 for Select Bd. on tax rate docs.
MOTION, moved by Tom Hankinson, seconded by Julie Shively: Motion: To appoint Margie to sign the LA-5 for the Select Board. Vote: 3-0 in favor.
Pass: Aye: Tom Hankinson, Julie Shively, Peter d'Errico.
MUP grant committee meeting Oct. 23
General Discussion...
Margie told the board that the Municipal Vulnerability Workshop will be Oct. 23 at Town Hall. -
Paving bids
General Discussion...
Will Stratford awarded paving contract to Warner Bros. The board signed the contract. Lisa will email the signed bid to FRCOG. -
Schedule date for STM?
General Discussion...
Margie reviewed the 3 items she had for STM: a bill of prior years; request for Jaws of Life; and reimbursement of the Library for heating system work. It was decided to hold these items until ATM.
Other business
Misc. items
General Discussion...
The Annual Town Meeting date was set for May 2.
John also told the board that William, his son and Leverett Fire Dept. member, has a job for Turners Falls and will be leaving the department.
Margie updated the board on the copier contract and life span. A two-year renewable maintenance contract was signed.
Motion: To continue to be part of the opioid litigation. Vote: 3-0 in favor. Peter will send email confirming.
Lisa will schedule Jeoff P. and George D. for the Oct. 29 meeting to discuss computer use policies.
Meeting Wrap-up
- Next Meetings:
- Tue, Oct 29, at 7:00 PM "Select Board" -- Town Hall, 9 Montague Rd
- Tue, Nov 12, at 7:00 PM "Select Board" -- Town Hall, 9 Montague Rd
- Tue, Nov 26, at 7:00 PM "Select Board" -- Town Hall, 9 Montague Rd
- Tue, Dec 10, at 7:00 PM "Select Board" -- CANCELLED -- Town Hall, 9 Montague Rd
- Tue, Dec 17, at 6:00 PM "Select Board Meeting" -- Town Hall, 9 Montague Rd
- Tue, Dec 24, at 7:00 PM "Select Board" -- CANCELLED -- Town Hall, 9 Montague Rd
- Next Meetings:
Minutes prepared by Lisa Stratford
Minutes approved on Thursday, Dec 5, 2019